The most wonderful time of the year
I remember my host mom telling me "Right after Halloween they will start decorate for christmas" and she is keeping her word cuz literally the day after Halloween I was watching TV and they were showing christmas commercials, and a lot of them! Yesterday I saw decorations outside church and flyers about christmas concerts and stuff, today when me and Dottie went to Target they had decorated with "Merry Christmas" signs, haha thank you, and you could buy like christmas anything, like christmas cupcake frosting, christmas clothes for dogs and stuff haha. And they have changed the starbucks cups into christmas-cups. I love how they go all out here because anyone who know me would probably say that I go a little crazy over holidays myself, especially xmas. (haha omg Mami, Michael Buble has release a new christmas album this year. Listen to it and you have a piece of me right there ;)) Anyway, I will be so happy to celebrate christmas in a country that is on the same level as me so I can stop feeling like an total outsider haha. Btw, my US history teacher told me that right after christmas, Halloween is the most celebrated holiday I was really surprised cuz you know how halloween is not a big thing at all in Sweden. You go trick or treating and all you get is a doors slammed in your face hah.
However, I'm super excited for christmas and I can't waaiiiit, two months ahead.
However, I'm super excited for christmas and I can't waaiiiit, two months ahead.
7 kommentarer
Postat av: Anna
Postat av: Anna
Postat av: Matilda
Det låter antagligen ganska sjukt men jag tycker det är jättebra att du slänger in ett inlägg på engelska här och där. Jag ska nämligen själv till USA ett år (har jag bestämt redan nu... ja) och det är ett väldigt bra sätt att träna engelskan. Wiie, din blogg äger Eira, just tellin' ya :D
Postat av: Julia
Åh önskar julen var lite mer..sådär.. här också. Känns som att det bara är sådär riktigt juligt när man är liten over here.. trisst. Hoppas du har det fint i alla fall. Kul att du fortsatt att uppdatera lite :) kram!
Postat av: Jaw
Åh vad mysigt!
I bet its gonna be weird for u to celebrate xmas without any snow..haha!
Love ur blog, keep up the great work!
Postat av: Ida
Vad underbart, önskar det var mer så i Sverige!
Postat av: vickan
How cute! You wrote hela inlägget på engelska hihi puss