Visum och besök till Sthlm.
Fick ett mail ifrån Explorius nu om mitt student visum som jag måste fixa innan jag åker till USA. På grund av den 11 september behöver jag åka till Amerikanska ambasaden i Stockholm för att göra en intervju om att jag inte är en terrorist. Det ska göras i juni nån gång tror jag.
Translation: I just got a mail from my organization that gave information about the student visa I have to get before I leave for America. In order to get the visa I need to go to Swedens capital, Stockholm, in June to confirm to the U.S. Embassy that I am not a terrorist. Sweden is about the size of California, it will take me about 3-4 hours to get there by train. To us, the distance between Göteborg and Stockholm is quite far but I suppose to Americans it's not.
Translation: I just got a mail from my organization that gave information about the student visa I have to get before I leave for America. In order to get the visa I need to go to Swedens capital, Stockholm, in June to confirm to the U.S. Embassy that I am not a terrorist. Sweden is about the size of California, it will take me about 3-4 hours to get there by train. To us, the distance between Göteborg and Stockholm is quite far but I suppose to Americans it's not.
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