Did you know...

  • In New York, at the top of a skyscraper it is possible for people to see snow falling while people on the ground see rain?
  • Shopping is the most popular domestic trip activity by American traveler s?
  • There are 43 named hills in San Francisco?
  • There are 125 drinking fountains in Central Park, New York?
  • In average over 60000 people fly over the US every hour?
  • Americans throw away 2.5 million plastic bottles every hour?
  • Americans consume more ice cream than any other nation in the world?
  • Americans eat so much cereal each year that a chain of empty boxes would stretch all the way to the moon and back to earth?
  • The Green Card is actually pink?
  • The sun shines in southern Arizona 85% of the time, which is considerably more sunshine than Florida or Hawaii.
  • Arizona is known as the "Nation's Valentine", because it joined the union on February 14th.
  • In Arizona, it is unlawful to refuse a person a glass of water. - Måste lägga det på minnet då.

1 kommentarer
Postat av: emilia

Det är faktiskt sant! Du kan gå in i vilken butik/mack/affär som helst i AZ och säga att du vill ha vatten, och de måste enligt lag servera det. Antar att de inte vill ha folk som svimmar lite över allt pga uttorkning. Dock så får du kranvatten som smakar PYTON. Det är knappt drickbart... hehe.

2011-04-05 @ 22:33:18
URL: http://emiliaaj.blogg.se/

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